Module Data

val in_dir : string -> string

in_dir filename expands filename into the full path, where the root is the "result directory" passed as a -d dir command line argument.

Hdf5 files to store large arrays

type h5
val h5 : ?⁠reuse:bool -> string -> h5
val with_handle : h5 -> (Hdf5_caml.H5.t -> 'a) -> 'a
val get_object : Hdf5_caml.H5.t -> string -> Hdf5_caml.H5.t * string
module Iter : sig ... end
module H5Attr : sig ... end
module Mat : sig ... end

Mat.mat operations

module Arr : sig ... end

Owl.Arr operations

Json files to log simulation parameters

type json
val json : ?⁠reuse:bool -> string -> json
val bool : json:json -> string -> bool -> bool
val int : json:json -> string -> int -> int
val float : json:json -> string -> float -> float
val string : json:json -> string -> string -> string
val any : json:json -> string -> ('a -> Yojson.Safe.t) -> 'a -> 'a